Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hidden Talent...

On a winter afternoon Harry de Leyer returned from an auction with a big gray horse that his children named “Snowman.” He was a good riding horse, but when a neighbor offered Harry twice the amount he had paid for Snowman, Harry agreed. But he soon regretted his decision as did Snowman. And that’s when Snowman’s hidden talent showed up! The neighbor’s fences were high, but Snowman repeatedly jumped them to be with Harry and his family. So Harry decided to buy Snowman back - and the rest is history. Snowman kept winning championships until the ultimate dream, The National at Madison Square Garden, where he was named “Horse of the Year” two years running. Snowman was a jumper, but nobody would have known had it not been for the fences that separated Snowman from Harry. And Snowman had every reason to be grateful, because Harry had arrived late at the auction that day after the best horses were sold. The big gray gelding that became Snowman was rescued from the only other bidder…a man who intended him for the glue factory.

I just love this story and the fact that it's true makes it all the more amazing! The Psalmist said, “The Lord…redeems your life from destruction.” (Psalm 103:2-4) Amen for that truth! When others write you off, God sees what you can become. Andrew Bonar said: “Kept by the mighty power of God…every day we escape dangers we’re not aware of…if we…saw the snares the enemy lays for us…how we’d adore the Lord who enables us to escape them all.”