Thursday, October 2, 2008

Watch out for those random questions....

This was the funniest thing (because it happened to my husband and for those of you who do know my husband will understand why), but at the same time incredibly sobering about the world we're living in. So here's what happened....

My husband went to give blood the other day in which he's pretty familiar with the drill and questions asked since he does this on a regular basis. Upon finishing up and munching on a snack, the tech proceeds to ask him one final random question. "Sir, are you still male?" To which my husband replied, "WHAT??!! Yeah, of course I'm still male!" The tech apologetically added "I'm so sorry and I know it's rather an unusual question, but we're now required to ask if males are still males and females still females." Yikes!! So be forewarned the next time you give blood! I'm still not sure if I should laugh or cry....


Cassie said...

I feel bad for the poor tech who has to ask those questions :(

Brandy said...

Wow, just wow.
Poor Kirk!