Thursday, February 12, 2009

Word for the day.....

slumgullion -a meat stew

Mmm, mmm, mmm, good....NOT! I don't know about you, but this word just doesn't sound like such an appetizing name for any dish, but I guess that’s part of the fun of finding bizarre words. The word’s etymology doesn’t help either: "slumgullion" is believed to be derived from "slum," an old word for "slime," and "gullion," an English dialectical term for "mud" or "cesspool." The earliest recorded usage of "slumgullion," in Mark Twain’s Roughing It (1872), refers not to a stew but a beverage (yuck!) The sense referring to the stew debuted about two decades later, and while there is no consensus on exactly what kinds of ingredients are found in it, that’s the "slumgullion" that lives on today. (from Merriam-webster) So there you's forever changed my perspective of stew.


Richard said...

You should have a slumgullion party.

Romi said...

I guess that would be one way to get rid of leftovers! lol