Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Rosa Loves

Rosa Loves is one of the coolest non-profits out there, imho! If you aren't familiar with it, please definitely check it out!

Rosa Loves is less about charity and more about awareness, awareness that we are all a part of something greater and are therefore joined by common threads. Accepting this truth means accepting our place in community, and more importantly, accepting responsibility for each other. This isn't to undermine personal responsibility, but it seems that "personal responsibility" sometimes is used as a crutch - an excuse - to ignore the suffering around us. This chosen ignorance is the architect of deep social chasms that keep us from venturing to burdened and suffering places.

The hope is that people come to experience Rosa Loves not as a charitable company, and not even as a company that does the things it does because they are "good things to do." But instead that people will realize this is what we as people were intended to do.

Rosa Loves is not a "Christian" company. "Christian" should not be used as an adjective. Rosa Loves is a company that seeks creative ways to serve others, not coerce, and do it for the glory of God.


Richard said...

dude, i've never spent 25 bucks on a shirt in my entire life, but i might consider it with this :).