I've realized lately how easily we all can be seduced into thinking and speaking negatively. Negativity is seductive, there's a meth-like rush of energy and power in anger, snideness, gossiping, and cruelty (it's sick actually, isn't it?) Sadly my grandmother fell into that trap, and most of her conversation was loaded with tearing down something or someone. Sometimes it was easier to join her and feel a common bond of anger, a closeness in shared negativity. Wow, those seeds take root so easily and I want to tear them out as easily as they come! Yikes, it's so easy to get sucked into that vortex. But when I focus on living a life of gratitude then my heart opens. And when my heart is open, God enters in. I had a craving last night and this morning to read Ephesians and when I read 5:18 I was halted by these words: '...making music to the Lord in your hearts". I need to fill myself with the melody of life, the harmony of love...a heartsong. I'm going to use that word as a prompt whenever my thoughts turn away from ones of Love, from ones that bring life.
Evil talk kills three people: the speaker, the listener, and the one who is spoken of. (Talmud, Erachin 15a) But the same applies in the reverse: speaking favorably of another, accentuating his or her positive side, will aid him to realize himself in the manner that you have defined him.
published in 2025 by Saga Press, an incredible imprint of Simon & Schuster.
It’s ab...
3 weeks ago
Negativity is an evil thing. Do you ever encounter those people who are ALWAYS negative? My gosh, they never have nice things to say and they leave me feeling mentally drained and wanting to become negative as well!
I call them joy suckers. Granted we all have our share of bad days, bad life experiences that can make us negative, but there's normally an end to it. Sadly for some peeps, they aren't happy unless they're negative. I really feel for them because they miss so much, but at the same time I know I'm called to love on these people all the more. It's super hard though, especially when you get caught up in their negativity.
What service are you guys attending now? I'm hitting up 3F at Gilbert on Sunday and wondering if I would be graced with a Kamberg or two or four appearance.
Well it would be fabUlously awesome to have your presence at Gilbert 3F and get to see you!! Yes, Kirk and I attend 3F on a regular basis, but the girls attend 9am Sunday school...let's just say they don't like being merged into one class with younger kids for the 3F Sunday school. But since you'll be coming to 3F, maybe they'll want to come...we'll see! ; ) In anycase, Kirk and I look forward to seeing you!! : ) Huge blessings on your day, Brandy!
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